컨텐츠 바로가기

Employee happiness makes a
company best in its industry.

How we work
We know the power of flexibility
because we believe that employee happiness can realize
their potential to the fullest.
Self-designated working hours
Our employees choose
working hours based on
autonomy and trust.
Free working environment
Our employees work
where they can fully concentrate.
Choose where to work from
and have fun every day.
The culture of horizontal communication
With mutual respect, we facilitate
free cooperation and
horizontal communication
in our respectful position.
Employee happiness
We strive to make
our employees happy.
We can bring
more happiness together.
We grow the sustainability of
companies and society.
How we grow up
We consider the happiness of
our stakeholders,
including employees.
Our values grow
when we grow together.
SK Growth Platform
mySUNI, supporting sustainable growth and happiness
We consider the happiness of our stakeholders, including employees.
Our values grow when we grow together.
SK Careers Programs
Development program for self-motivated and
passionate employees
From the support for small group studies to enhance work capabilities to movement programs for career paths, SK designs and runs diverse development programs.
Students Opportunities
SK through the eyes of
university students,
SK Careers Editor
Providing easy descriptions of SK recruitment news and job information at the level of young job seekers through blog articles and video content
More details
How we make your life balance
Find work-life balance and happiness
at the company and home after work
Time for recharging
Taking breaks is as important as
working hard.
Relaxing lounge areas and
nonapproval leave systems allow
our employees to refresh themselves.
Family, an essential component
to employee happiness
With diverse maternity
and parental protection policies
such as in-house daycare centers,
our employees
can enjoy better immersion
to their work.